Welcome to Gore Glen Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome

A black and white photo of headteacher, Miss Milne

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to Gore Glen Primary and Early Learning Centre. As the Head Teacher, I am very proud of all that we do here at Gore Glen in the Primary Mainstream, Glenable ASN Primary Provision and our Early Learning Centre. We strive to develop the ‘whole child’ nurturing individuals' strengths and supporting challenges in learning and life. 

At Gore Glen, we work together as a team in school, with families and with supporting agencies with high expectations for all of our learners. We believe that we can achieve more when we have a common direction and sense of community and 'The Lessons From the Geese' underpin both my own professional values as well as the collaborative environment we have created here at Gore Glen. It is important to me that children, staff and families feel valued, that they are part of the journey and that their voices are heard.

At Gore Glen, we are keen for all of our children to be the very best that they can be. Our children are happy children, who enjoy coming to school and being part of #TeamGG. We strive to ensure that our children experience success in a nurturing and inclusive environment, to help the children to understand that they make a positive difference to the world in which we all live, and to have high hopes and ambitions for themselves and for other people. We believe that it is important to celebrate and have shared values within our whole school community as part of our Rights Respecting School ethos. These are: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Ready to Learn. We encourage our children to be unique, creative, open-minded, reflective and independent.

Our school is a very busy place with many enriching events for the children and their families. We look forward to working together in our warm and welcoming school and we can achieve the best outcomes for all children. We continually evaluate what we do in order to give the children the very best education. We know the importance of that parents/carers play in their child’s education and so fully welcome your involvement in your child’s education and in the life of our school and ELC.

I feel very privileged to be the Head Teacher of such a thriving, successful and happy school.

Miss Amy Milne

Head Teacher

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